NCAA Compliance

To comply with NCAA Bylaws, Eyes On Golf does not serve as an agent. We educate and provide pertinent information that will allow a prospective student/athlete a clear understanding about the recruiting process. Eyes On Golf does not market a prospective student-athlete’s athletic ability or reputation. We do not promise scholarships, or act on behalf of the student/ athlete. It is permissible, however, for high school academic and athletic records to be distributed to collegiate coaches without jeopardizing a prospective student-athletes eligibility.

All fees are due in advance of services and are not contingent upon a prospect student-athlete

either being recruited to play golf in college or receiving any institutional financial aid.

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2 + 15 =

I’ve known Susan Watkins for 20 years and witnessed first-hand her ability to coach at the highest level in college golf. She understands the game but most importantly she understands people and relationships. She has a passion for life and for helping others. Her energy is very contagious and I believe she is the perfect mentor for junior golfers aspiring to play college golf.

Greg Allen

Coach, Vanderbilt

Susan Watkins brings passion and solid fundamentals to her approach in helping people in the game of golf. She is an wealth of knowledge about the recruiting process for juniors and their parents. As a Coach, Teacher, or Mentor, Susan is able to articulate her experiences in very digestible fashion for players at virtually every level to understand, learn from, and improve their skills. After many years as Coach at The University of Texas, and much success, she can provide a clear path for those interested in competing at the collegiate level.

Paul Earnest

PGA Director of Golf, Four Seasons Resort & Club Dallas at Las Colinas

Susan Watkins has very few rivals with the experience and passion she brings to the game of golf. As a teacher, mentor and coach, she has experienced success at the highest level. Winning with passion and integrity are words and thoughts that come to my mind when I think of Coach Watkins.

Those that are working to become their best and need direction in their path to success would do well to enlist the services of Coach Watkins!

John Fields

Head Golf Coach, <a href="" target="_blank">University of Texas</a>

Junior Coaching Available